The Personal CRM for Every Networking Professional

Smart Selfies
For Networking

FREE Download (Appstore) Playstore

The Personal CRM for Every Networking Professional

Smart Selfies
For Networking

FREE Download (Appstore) Playstore


99% of People Do Not Follow Up. Be the 1%.

Every year, billions of selfies and countless networking opportunities are wasted with no follow-up. Business cards? Gone within days. SelfTact transforms your selfies into smart selfies with lasting connections, making follow-ups effortless for professionals.


Appstore Playstore

Easy Steps During Networking

  • Take a Smart Selfie

  • Gather Info (Facial Reco)

  • Pre Written Text/Email New Contact

  • See Where You Met on Maps

  • App Will Follow Up

Online. Offline. Virtual.

SelfTact works with you in mind. Connect with a smart selfie when you have internet at an event and, even when you don’t. We even designed the app for the power hybrid networker working from home taking zoom calls or using google meet, Microsoft teams or any of the other numerous software apps…take a virtual smart selfie and connect!

Easy Steps Post Networking

  • Intro Your Contacts: AI Written Text/Email

  • Combine Smart Selfies into Text/Email Attachments


Great for:

  • Masterminds

  • Conferences

  • Dinners

  • Meetups

  • and more!


SelfTact Features

Work with existing workflows. Hubspot. Airtable. Monday. And more!

Coming Soon. Desktop.

  • Capture leads at an event in one tap

  • Come back to office or home, all leads uploaded to a leading CRM

  • Or Use SelfTact desktop

Arjun Rai, Founder + CEO

Successfully scaled a SaaS business to over $1.5M in revenue, while filing and authoring 9+ patents. Raised $1.4M through Reg CF funding. Certified by IBM in AI Product Development, currently enrolled in Harvard Business School’s AI Essentials program and Product School’s AI Product Development program in NYC. Based in San Francisco, CA and Princeton, NJ with his dog, Snoopy.

Sunil Shashidhara, CTO

Former IBM Watson engineer with 12+ years of full-stack AI/ML development experience. Leading a cost-efficient team in Bangalore, I’ve worked with startups across multiple regions in AI, e-commerce, finance, and more.Β  Master’s in Data Science and Computer Science from North Carolina State University. Skilled in Conversational AI, NLP, machine learning for speech/images, and full-stack web development.